The Radcliffe administration has with drawn its protest that "Lysistrata" is too "vulgar" a play to be produced by Idler, the Annex dramatic group.
The decision was reached after Dean Small carefully studied the English script of the Greek play by Aristophanes and conferred with Idler officers. Idler made a formal announcement of the official go-ahead signal yesterday.
Final Castings
Also announced were the final castings for the production, which is slated for December 15 and 16 in Agassiz Theatre. Virginia Carrol '51 plays the part of Lysistrata, who induces the women of Greece to protest against the Peloponnesian War by refusing to go to bed with their husbands and any other men.
The women of Athens, storm-center of the movement and scene of the play, confine themselves to a single building to emphasize their self-imposed sacrifice. A few of the more resourceful, like Calonice (Marilyn Welch '51), manage to sneak out, but Myrrhine (Joanna Brown '52) withstands the pleas of her frantic husband (James F. O'Neil '51).
Byplay is provided by a love affair between an old man (Milton Schlein '53) and an old woman who are too old to be affected by the movement. Finally the "goddess of peace" (Alice Walsh '52) comes down to earth and restores peace, thus making the protest demonstration unnecessary.
Other principals include Martha Orrick '53, P. Michael Mabry '53, and Martha Fontek '53. A delegation from the Radcliffe Dance Group will accompany the play with dances designed to illustrate the theme.
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