M.I.T. student said yesterday that the system of student porters at 'Tech seems to work very well. They emphasized that no social stigma of any sort was attached to the job.
"We feel the same way toward them that you'd feel toward a fellow who works in the dining hall," one sophomore explained. "It's just another way that a man can get himself through college."
The student porters work in a few selected dorms. They make beds only on that one day a week when the linen is changed. Tech supplies the students with sheets, pillow-cases, and towels. On other days, room occupants make their own beds while the porters dust and empty wastebaskets.
"A porter is able to live less expensively than any other student," another Tech man commented. "Their work earns them rent and sometimes one free meal a day."
In dorms other than these serviced by student porters, regular, outside porters fulfill the same functions. They dust, sweep, and change the sheets once a week.
In one cooperative house, however, the 30 occupants do everything but cook. Five officers allot the jobs to the other 25, who serve in the dining room, clean the house, and even help with the repairs and painting. Some fraternities, too, are run on a cooperative basic.
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