
Wilder to Give 4 Norton Talks

Thornton Wilder, Charles Eliot Norton Professor of Poetry, will deliver four lectures this term. He will give the first of these one week from today, in the New Lecture Hall. The address is entitled "Adapting an Island Language to a Continental Thought."

Wilder will give the second lecture of the series, entitled "Thereon, or the Rean-Row in the Wilderness," November 15. "Emily Dickinson, or the Articulate Inarticulate" will follow on November 29, and the final lecture, "Walt Whitman and the American Loneliness" will be given December 9.

In New Lecture Hall

All the lectures are scheduled for the New Lecture hall at 8 p.m. and will be free and open to the public.

The Charles Eliot Norton Professorship of Poetry was established by Charles Chauncey Stillman '98 in 1925. Under the terms of the $200,000 grant, the incumbent must deliver at least six lectures on poetry, the term being interpreted in its broadest sense.
