
Small, Lorch, Russell to Pick Winning Lyrics at Song Fest

Judging the home-made lyrics at the annual Radcliffe song contest Tuesday, November 14, on the Quadrangle will be Dean Small, Vera Lorch '51, president of Choral Society, and William Russell, assistant conductor of choral.

Representatives in each dormitory will review the original songs and select one or two, Rachel Mellinger '52, chairman for the fest, announced yesterday. Two copies of the words should be submitted a week before the contest, although last minute entries may also be accepted.

Costumes and clowning will be in order on Cabot Halls's steps as the dorms go through their routines. Coffee will be sold to warm the spectators, while the participating members of the University band will get a free hand-out at intermission.

The last three contests brought the silver loving cup to Barnard, the commuters, and Bertram Hall in turn.
