
Shaw First Junior in Ten Years To Make JV Football Captaincy

Joseph Herbert Shaw '52 of Northville, Michigan, and Leverett House was elected 1950 Junior Varsity football captain yesterday afternoon at a pre-practice meeting of the squad in Dillon Field House.

Shaw in the first junior in over a decade to be selected to lead the junior varsity. This year, however, there are no senior members of the jayvee team (the last, tall, fat-moving At Rohn, having moved up to the varsity at yesterday's practice).

Outstanding Left Guard

Shaw, six feet tall and heavily built, has been a good offensive and outstanding defensive left guard for the jayvees for the past two seasons. Although the line has been outplayed and outcharged in the last two games (routs by Army and Dartmouth), Shaw has consistently played a strong game and made his side of the line harder to break. He also played as a substitute in the same position on Henry Lamar's freshman team two years ago.
