
Radcliffe Council Will Act Against Book Offenders

Radcliffe Student, Council decided at its meeting Monday to clamp down on students failing to take out closed reserved books they have signed for. Twenty-two books were left unclaimed at the desk Saturday, depriving other students of the use of these books.

Council voted to put the student boy on a trial period of two weeks on hope of an improvement in the situation. If no improvement is evident at the end of the trial period, Council will take more drastic measures against the offenders.

Improved Sex Talks

The Student Health Committee has taken charge of the sex lectures to be given in the spring, and will discuss with members of the administration possible programs and speakers. Members of the committee will also evaluate the lectures when they are given, and will refer suggestions for improving next year's series to Council.

Council also reviewed the Republican Club charter, and recommended that the charter be granted to the re-instated Republican Club after a few minor revisions have been made. The Club was liquidated last year due to lack of the necessary number of members. The Club will resume activities this year, starting off with 22 members.


Lottery Falls

This year Council attempted a plan to invite 20 girls chosen by let from the student body to each meeting. Only one or two of those selected showed up at each meeting and Council abandoned the idea. It will now invite only those parties who have expressed interest in the specific agenda for the day.
