
Council Starts 'Drumbeats' Rolling

Names Six Committee Heads, Two Advisors

Radcliffe Student Council yesterday announced the chairmen of committees of take charge of the annex's annual "Drum-beats and Song" concert, scheduled for early in March.

The committees, headed by Cynthia Williams '51, general chairman, will be ran by the following girls: Joan O'Brien '51, entertainment; Cynthia Jordan '51, programs; Elisabeth Tucker '52, tickets; Anne Sears '53, ushers; Georgianne Davis '51 and Alison Mathews '52, senior and junior members of the advisory board; Margaret Fechheimer '52, publicity; and Susan Schaeffer '51, patrons.

Miss Williams and Student Government president Elizabeth Heaton '51 will also serve on the advisory board. Graduate advisors are to be announced in the near future.

Benefit Performance

Following the performance in Sanders Theatre, the class of '52 will take charge of the dance and refreshments in Memorial Hall. Sophomores will take over promotions and dorm stunts to boost ticket sales, while the freshmen will sell programs and flowers for the evening.


Profits from this year's show will go to the Grant-in-Aid Fund, established last year by the Radcliffe Student Council to help students in need of small grants of money. These students would not be eligible in academic standing for a scholarship, but would quality by participation in college activities.

First dividends from last year's Grant-in-Aid funds, amounting to about $50, will be awarded in the near future in one lump sum.

This year marks the fourth annual performance of "Drumbeats and Song," and is the second year that the entire project bas been run by Student Council. "Drumbeats and Song" was originated in 1947 for funds to support Radcliffe's 70th anniversary fund drive.
