Rooms in the Graduate Dormitory Center are small, very small. That's why denizens of the new housing project are uncomfortable about the Grad School parietal regulations which insist that they entertain women two at a time.
Stuffing four people late one of the center's rooms creates an atmosphere about as congenial as a subway during rush hour, they complain.
This fall the council hasn't reopened the parietal rules issue lest it disturb the setting of the new buildings: but the problem will probably come up again before the Other Regulations which customarily apply to University buildings will probably not bother the grad students at all. They will not want to harbor "animals, reptiles, or birds" because their rooms are too small. They will not run afoul of Buildings and Grounds officials through misuse of electric appliances because they have ready access to a fine grill. Unless women are freely admitted, one Grad student declared the men aren't safe. To illustrate, his claim, the student spun the tale of a girl who suddenly burst in upon a shaving law man. Aware of the penalties which faced the student if he were caught violating the parietal rules, she threatened to scream unless the lawyer came through, with a given sum of money. The student, calmly said, "Okay, Scream." This shook off the intruder, but according to the raconteur, it shows that the blackmail she might have earned on parietal rules frauds was limitless.
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