
Lining Them Up

Freshman Soccer

Seventy-two freshmen flooded Yardling soccer coach Poley Guyda's opening practice last week. Guyda calls it one of the largest turnouts he's seen in 13 years here. He has been trimming the squad, preparing for tomorrow's opener at Tabor.

Guyda is satisfied with the depth at every position except fullback, but Dave Rogers and Grif Buttrick are showing promise there. They are being pushed by an ox-Taft football player, John Rosenthal, who has never played soccer before. Two goalies will switch at backing up the west defense. George Anderson has both the height and a long throw; Henry Briggs can kick the ball hard and does well directing defensive Strategy.

Seasoned Dick Armstrong, at left half, is called a star player by Guyda. He'll be working with Charlie Willet at right half. Willet is a comparative giant beside an otherwise short, stocky group of teammates. Guyda is still undecided about the center half, but Ed Jacobson has come closest to filling that important spot, if he continues his heads-up game.

The forward line is well equipped to handle passes from the halfs or fullbacks. Steve Joyce, Andover ace, covers the right wing, while Morris Noble plays left outside.

John Beer of Exeter will be at inside. Juan Vollenweider, from Buenos Aires, plays left inside and is the trickiest dribbler on the team. The high scorer in scrimmages is center Kurt Pollack from Trinidad. He's a cool player who takes his time making hard, accurate shots.
