
Jordan Will Speak at Rally; Lions' Band Will Miss Game

One hundred and sixty strong, larger than ever, the band will march in Soldiers Field at tomorrow's football game unhampered by Columbia competition. The Lion band sent word through its director, Hunter N. Wiley, that low finances will prevent its coming.

At noon tomorrow, the band will start its traditional march from Memorial Hall to Soldiers Field and will have baton twirler Terrence Barry '52 alongside the drum major for the first time since the war. As the legend goes, if the baton twirler catches the baton when he throws it over the goal, the football team will wins Barry has a good record in practice.

Immediately before the kick-off the band will comply with a recent H.A.A. vote to play the National Anthem before every game, in view of the present world crisis.

The band will play Fair Harvard after the game and then march to Dillon Field House to serenade the players. Little Johnny Silver, the band's mascot, will again sit on top of the large bass drum on wheels.

According to manager Paul A. Lucey '51, the band is one of the finest over assembled, musically as well as in marching.
