
Harkness Grille Serves Grads' Evening Hunges

Howard Johnson propa hasn't started to lose any over it, but the University well on, its way toward establishment of a chain soda-and-sandwich fountain

Following the lead of Eliot House Grille, a late grille has been built into second floor of the new Harkness Commons building for benefit of center-dwellers don't care to hike to Square. As an added ment, the grille serves varieties of sandwich, including the biggest hamburger town, for 30 cents.

Operated as a branch of Harkness dining hall, grille is managed by two ton University men and non-students--but the consion belongs to Harvard. may be made by University coupon book only.

The fountain opened a ago Monday, with hours 8:30 to 12 p.m. But the time was shifted back few days later to 11:30 p.m. although one of the soda- admits that the grille been most crowded 11:30 and 12. It is open days a week.

For the first week-and- half grads were walking up the modern, aluminum, brass-rail-less bar to whether beer was being yet. The arrival of a liquor license may provide of the strongest unifying in the center's social life.
