
Grad Student Club Will Remain Open This Year

The Graduate Students Club at 18 Appian Way will be operated for this entire year on an experimental basis, club officials reported yesterday. The club, which was the recreation center for graduate students before the new buildings opened, will provide meeting rooms for small parties.

Most of its facilities are duplicates in the Graduate Common, but the club does provide a kitchen for parties which is not available in the new hall.

Part of the $2 Graduate Students Council dues pay for a section of the club expenses. The Harvard and Radcliffe administrations contribute the rest of the cost of operation.

While the rules for club meetings in the Graduate Center have not yet been announced, the Dean's office said that they expected the rules for meetings at the club would be more liberal. The main issue would be over groups containing Radcliffe members.

At the end of the year the amount of use will probably be the determining factor in whether the club stays open.
