
Council Votes to End Two Class Committees

By a unanimous vote, the Student Council last night abolished Sophomore and Junior Class Committees on the grounds that these groups can perform no genuinely useful duties for the student body.

Originally established in 1947 by the Paul Report, the committees were intended to promote the class unity which had been disrupted by acceleration and scrambling during the war. Their other major functions were to counteract the House system, which divides classes into eight parts; to hold at least one social function during the academic year; and to supervise the Senior Class Album.

During the past two years the committees have cost the council $675. Student reaction to the groups, the council clarions has been apathetic; moreover, their duties have become in part obsolete, since the Senior Class album no longer exists and the College is back to post-war normalcy, with classes entering and leaving together.

The social functions of the committees and their duties as nominators of the Permanent Class Committee could easily be handled by other organizations, the council argued.

Referendum Abolished


Giving its revised constitution a final check-up, the group made a drastic change by abolishing the students right to initiative and referendum and establishing instead a council duty to hold an opinion poll in exceptional cases, where widespread feeling demands."

Another last-minute revision eliminated the clause by which an amendment to the constitution could be proposed by a petition of 200 students.

As the wording stands now, any member of the student body can propose an amendment, but it must be supported by two-thirds of the council before it can be considered for ratification by the entire College.

Considering a request by Ivy Films to have women allowed in the Lamont Ferum Room at its film showings, the council passed a resolution favoring the presence of women in the Forum Room "under certain controlled conditions." A committee of one was appointed to work out the technicalities of this proposal with Dean Watson and library officials.
