
Army Establishes Point System for Enlisted Reserve

A new point system goes into effect this week for calling enlisted reservists into the Army and for sending oversees enlisted reservists already recalled.

The "service credits" are given in the following way: One for each year of age over 20, one for each year of reserve service, two for each combat award, four for each year of active federal service, for four each year of overseas service, and eight for each dependent.

Fill credits will be given for major fractions of a year in most cases.

The points will determine the order in which men are recalled, sent overseas, and relieved, within desired military specialties. Some men with the highest point scores will be inactivated within three months.

Follows Marshall Directive


The credit scores do not apply to enlisted men of the National Guard who have been ordered into federal service in units, nor do they nullify recall orders mailed out through Saturday.

In announcing that it would issue no more mandatory calls to enlisted reservists, the Army said this was in compliance with a recent order of Secretary of Defense Marshall. He directed the armed services to modify reserve policies as a result of the improved outlook in Korea.

This Army order applies to enlisted men, nor officers.

The Army announced last week that it had begun a program of gradually reducing its active officers reserve which would be completed by 1952. Release of personnel will begin this summer.
