The 1950 Civil Liberties Appeal will give Senator Herbert H. Lehman $1,000 this weekend to help his re-election fight.
John T. White '52 was selected by the appeal and by the Liberal Union to go to the campaign headquarters of the senator and personally hand over a check for $1,000.
Initial checks for the same amount have been mailed to the headquarters of Representatives John Carroll of Colorade and Helon Gahagan Douglas of California, who are running for the Senate.
A total of $4,600 has been received to date from all parts of the nation to aid in the locally-born attempt to defeat the McCarran Act.
Faculty Members Saluted
Requests for donations have been sent to faculty members of universities in all parts of the country and to men and women on the lists of the Americans for Democratic Action. With a staff of Liberal Union and 'Cliffe Students for Democratic Action members working every day in the Student Activities Center, 25,000 letters were sent out through last week.
Response was so good by the end of the week, White said, that several thousand more letters were sent out early this week.
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