
Coolidge Tentatively Agree to Face Dever on Truck in Square

Arthur W Coolidge, Republican candidate for Governor, has tentatively accepted the Liberal Union's challenge to debate Governor Paul A. Dever, Roger A. Moore '53, member of the Young Republican Planning Committee, said last night.

Moore stated that Coolidge in an interview yesterday expressed willingness to meet with Dever on his "street corner campaign" through the Square in a loud speaker truck on the evening of November 3, if he can make the arrangements with his campaign managers.

The Republican State Committee refused the Liberal Union invitation partly because "the committee did not know that it was a bona fide organization," according to Moore.

Commenting on this tentative acceptance, Roy F. Gootenberg '49 2PA, graduate Liberal union representative, said, "we have invited Mr. Coolidge to debate Governor Dever in a University lecture hall as a regular, moderated debate--not for an open, scrambled free-for-all in the Square."

Gootenberg revealed that Governor Dever's office yesterday told him that Dever would still try to appear before the student body, even without Coolidge, on November 2 or 3 in order to discuss his policies and answer questions from the floor.


Sanford J. Lanka '51, Young Republican operations director, called "ridiculous" the statement made by Bichard K. Berg '51. Liberal Union vice-president, that "Coolidge is unwilling to face Dever in open debate." Lanka asserted, "Mr. Coolidge has already debated Dever openly in Springfield."
