
Coolidge Refuses to Debate; Dever Accepted Last Week

Arthur W. Coolidge, Republican candidate for Governor, has so far refused a Liberal Union invitation to debate Governor Paul A. Dover at the University, Roy F. Gootenberg '49 2PA, graduate Liberal Union representative, announced last night.

Dever last week made known his willingness to face on November 2 or 3 his Union then asked the Young Republican Club to obtain Coolidge's consent "as a public service to the University community."

Gootcenberg said that after the Young Republican Club failed to get Coolidge's acceptance, the Liberal Union contacted the Republican State Committee and received a second refusal.

In a letter to Richard K. Berg '51, vice-president of the Liberal Union, the Republican State Committee stated that Coolidge's campaign itinerary was "already complete."

The Liberal Union has officially come out for Dever and the Young Republicans for Coolidge.


"We are amazed," Berg said, "In view of his charges against the Dever administration that Mr. Coolidge is unwilling to face Governor Dever in open debate."

Gootcenberg has an appointment at Governor Dever's office this afternoon to find if he will speak to the student body without Coolidge. "If the Governor accepts, we will try to arrange a program with distinguished members of the faculty and Democratic Congressman John F. Kennedy '40, to discuss the national issue," Gootenberg said.

Gordon L. Poole '49, president of the Young republicans, said last night, "We have not stopped in our efforts to get Mr. Coolidge's consent to debate. We will also try to have Republican Congressman Christian A. Herter '15 present the national campaign picture,"
