
Jayvee Eleven Will Meet West Pointers Here Today

Last Saturday the jayvee football team made it one out of one by thundering to a 5d to 0 victory in its debut against a helpless Leicester Junior College squad. And last weekend a team of Army jayvees downed their Cornell counterparts by only 15 to 7.

The difference in that Cornell was probably about ten times as effective as Leicester. In spite of the score, the two platoons from West Point were never in serious trouble in the contest. Only a lack of team practice (they scrimmage the varsity "A" squad almost every day) held the Cadets back.

This year Army coach Dopey Stevens is throwing a lighter eleven than usual onto the field, and has come to Cambridge without star scatback Eddie Wathrich. But the Cadets still have a strong threat in left halfback and captain Irv Reed, one of the faster, backs on the squad.

With Reed drawing the defensive linebackers in to guard against a quick opening running play from the Army T or single-wing, quarterback Jerry Travis has proved highly effective in spot passes to ends Bill Burkhart and Ed Tixler. The other two starting backs, Vince Vargara and Norb Szymczyk, are both relatively light and very fast.

Bill Klorstcad, who passed for three touchdowns against Leicester, will quarterback the Crimson unbalanced T attack. Lou Tsavaris, injured in the game, will be back in fast action at left half, and Art French and Bob Kendall complete the starting backfield.


Regular center Bill Monteith was injured before the start of the season and will probably not see action today. Vonderlago showed well on both offense and defense last week but nothing much could be proved against the heavy and sluggish line of the opponents.

Starting Line

In the starting line are ends George Mullon and Art Rohn, tackles By Bunce and Stan Miller, guards Joe Shaw and George Batchelder, and center Erwin Vonderlage.

This week the jayvees will be up against a team that has a line of proven ability in breaking open fast holes for faster backs. Army has a line that far surpasses Leicester's, and, from past performance, can supply the backs to go with it.
