
Black Knight Platoons Storm Stadium Today

Army's Power, Depth Make Cadets Strong Favorites Over Crimson

West Point's brave old Army team-considered by many observers the finest undergraduate football squad in the land today-thunders into Soldiers Field this afternoon. Colonel Earl Blaik's athletes will be seeking to extend their string of undefeated games to 24; if the Cadets succeed (as they are favored to by at least 35 points), their victory will give Harvard its longest losing streak in history--six since last year's Holy Cross game. Kickoff time in the Stadium is 2 p.m.

Blaik's coaching philosophy is based on two principles; (1) that football is a Spartan game; (2) that hard work is the price of success. And Blaik's current collection of brawny linemen and meteoric backs is carrying, out these precepts admirably. Like all Blaik's teams, this one is well-coached, superbly conditioned, resourceful, fast, and versatile; it has the explosive power which traditionally characterized Army football teams, and the reserve strength to overcome any opponents merely by the process of attrition.

Blaik's Fears Allayed

Earlier in the season, Blaik expressed some doubt as to the abilities of the Cadet offensive line, inasmuch as Captain Dan Foldberg (rated by Blaik the beat offensive and he has ever coached) was the only 1949 regular returning on that platoon. But the coach has managed to locate some hefty replacements for the other six positions, and it is safe to say that where Army's offensive line weakens (so to speak), those Cadet backs can take up the slack.

The Academy possesses one of the most impressive backfield corps in the country and, since Blaik prefers to use his superior men on defense, Army's defensive line is perhaps without equal. The individuals who man this platoon are a savage vicious lot who delight in laying hands on opposing linemen.


Against this imposing array of talent, Lloyd Jordan will send virtually the same personnel who bowed to Cornell. Three men--tackles Duke Sedgwick and Bob Stargel and wingback Warren Wylie--will be out with injuries. Dike Hyde will start offensively for the first time this year and will play both ways at left end.

Jordan has devoted much time this week to working on his offense and try- PROBABLE OFFENSIVE LINEUPS HARVARD  ARMY Hyde (200)  lc  Feldberg (185) Toepke (106)  lt  Zelgler (205) Kanter (187)  lg  Elmbald (206) O'llrien (210)  c  Haas (106) Rocenau (196)  rg  Robertn (190) Nichela (218)  ty  Ackersen (210) Revrehy (197)  re  Weaver (210) Loeenstein (152)  qb  Blaik(185) Inenberg (179)  lh  Cain(170) Warden (184)  rh  Martin (170) West (203)  fb  Stephenson (185) PROBABLE DEFENCIVE LINEUPS Hyde (200)  fe  Lohlcin (200) Heldtmann (213)  lt  Shira (215> Falion (195)  lg  Malavasl (190) O'Bricn (201)  c  Stout (180) Roscnau (198)  rg  Cox (194) Connelly (200)  rt  Kimmel (215) Rate (193)  re  Rowekamp (188) Incnberg (179)  qh  Bcok (185) Duback (167)  lh  Ghultz(170) Burke (100)  rh  Johnson (170) Warden (184)  fb  Relch (173)

ing to develop team speed, Jerry Blitz, a converted fullback and one of the fastest men on the squad, is likely to see service at wingback in a move to spell Dave Warden, who must also go both ways.

Harvard must undoubtedly rely to a great extent on its pass attack, as it will be difficult for John West or anybody else to crack the Army line. The difference in speed, size, and depth between the two squads will be keenly felt, on offense as well as defense.

Both teams should, by rights, be psychologically "down" for this game, for they both gave inspiring performances last Saturday. Moreover, Army will miss the esprit de corps provided by its vigorous cheering section, but neither of these factors should dull the fierce blocking, tackling, and running of the team that ranks sixth in the nation in total offense. That's the fearless Army way
