
Cheerleaders Call Off Rally As Band Declines to Appear

Tonight's Army football rally has been called off "because the band decided not to come," head cheerleader Roger L. Butler '51 said last night.

Band manager Paul A. Lucey '51 said that the first he knew about an Army rally was Tuesday night when he found a note on his desk form Butler. "None of the band members were willing to come when I asked them at Wednesday rehearsal. We've all been working hard for Saturday's special half-time drill, and it would be too much to play at a rally also."

Full Approval

The rally was scheduled two weeks ago with full approval from the Dean's office, coaches, and University police.

Butler emphasized that the rally was not being called off because Army is heavily favored to win. "Although I take a realistic view and admit that cheering in the game will be like cheering for a termite in Redwood Forest, this is not the reason the rally has been cancelled. Rallies are an end in themselves."


Commenting on the cancellation, Coach Lloyd Jordan said, "It's up to the cheer-leaders, band, and students. Anything they decide is all right with me."

Captain Phil Isenberg said he hadn't heard of any rally and added "I can appreciate the band's not wanting to come, since I've seen them practicing hard out there on the field."

The band is willing, if asked, to play at any other rally the cheerleaders want, according to Lucey. "But we haven't yet been asked to play for a Dartmouth rally."
