
1954 Selects 28 Representatives To Serve on Union Committee

Twenty-eight freshmen were elected to the Union Committee in voting during this week, Borden F. Book, Jr. '45, Secretary of the Union, announced last night. Two representatives from Matthews North remain to be elected Sunday.

In the picture above, Thomas W. Hoya '53 (fifth from left), chairman of the Student Council Freshman Affairs Committee, and John P. Hermann '53 (sixth from left), chairman of last year's Freshman Dance Committee, are conferring with seven now members of the Union Committee.

They are (left to right): Steven Sonnabend of Wigglesworth, Charles B. Baker. Jr. of Mattews, Ralph Blum of Grays, Allan B. Steno of Straus, Arthur L. Finn of Dudley Commuters Center, Samuel L. Batchelder of Massachusetts , and Daniel L. Ritchio, Jr. of Mower.

The following other members were elected to represent their halls: Howard Shurdut, Paul Palmbaum of Dudley; Eben J. Cross of Grays: Noal K. Jones, Joseph W. Mitchell of Hellis; Daniel J. Collius, Jr., Frederick K. Piker of Helworty; Richard C. Hermann of Lionel: Richard I. Brener of Matthews; Arthur L. Fine, Robert F. Plaxco, Jr. of Stoughton

Alexander Gottschalk of Straus; Ehoneser Gay. Jack J, Neuser, Larson M. Powell of Thayer; William J. Cates, Warren H. Markarian of Weld; John II. Freeman Claude E. Hootott, Jr., Clifford J. Meyer, Anthony S. Patton of Wigglesworth.
