
Skiers Hold First Meeting of Year

The Ski Club holds its first meeting of the year at 7:30 p.m. tonight in the Lamont Forum Room, Both competitive and recreational skiers are invited, ski captain Jim Weaver said last night.

Varsity and freshman skiers, coached this year by Graham Taylor, former captain, have week-end meets scheduled from January till April. Dartmouth, Middlebury, New Hampshire, Yale, Williams, Norwich, and McGill are among the team's opponents. Tentative plans for a trip to Alberta for the North American Intercollegiates round out the Schedule. Minor numerals and letters will be awarded to team members.

The Club's Pinkham Notch cabin will be open this year, thereby cutting costs of a ski week-end considerably.

The College is taking a leading role in organizing the new Eastern Intercollegiate Skiing Association, which replaces the old Intercollegiate Ski Union.
