
'Princeton Has Ghetto for Negroes,' Protests Tigertown Local Preacher

A colored preacher claimed recently that Princeton, New Jersey "has as rigid a ghetto as Warsaw" and blames Princeton University for much of the anti-Negro discrimination.

Rev. Benjamin J. Anderson of a local Presbyterian church told a fellowship meeting that Princeton is "Jim Crow" in many ways. "Built in the shadow of the University," he said, "the town is as backward in opportunity for colored people as any town I know."

Attacking the University's admission policy toward Negroes, Anderson charged that "Princeton was one of the last free private institutions to admit Negroes to its student body."

He added that "the University sets the tone of Princeton, and also the prevailing wage standards. Except for the stewards, colored people working at the (upperclass) clubs receive vary little increase in wages.

"Negroes who work for clubs as housemen or waiters see their sons starting work at the same job for the same wage that their fathers get after 40 years of work. No wonder there's no urge for progress."
