
Soccer Squad Will Entertain UConn Team Here Today

The University of Connecticut's soccer team, last year's defending national champions, will invade the Business School field at 2 p.m. this afternoon for what promises to be another rough game for Bruce Munro's booters.

Although many UConn regulars have graduated, their team is well bolstered by sophomores. Last year's Blue and White freshman team was the strongest outfit encountered by Poley Guyda's Yardlings all season as they pasted a 2-0 shutout on the Crimson.

Coach Bruce Munro commented last night, "We have a debt to pay Connecticut for last year's 1 to 0 penalty kick shutout. Their coach is an old friend of mine and I'd really like to hang a good one on them."

Connecticut should be up for this one, having had a week's rest since their defeat at the hands of Yale, while the Crimson is only two days past the road trip to Penn.

An encouraging note will be the return of Ben Florin to his old left halfback position after a week's absence with a bad ankle. Pants Pantaleoni, also on the injured list for some time, will dress for the game and may see halfback service.


Unfortunately, right wing Hen Goldstein, who scored a goal in the Penn game, sustained a slight injury shortly thereafter and may not be able to play today.

As things stand now, Jim Johnson and Berk Johnson will play the right and left wings with Charlie Weiss and Captain Ted Wolf again at the inside slots. Vera Drehmel will hold down the center forward position.

Dick Miller, Bob Harding, and Latsi Berger are the halfback line again with Dana Getebell, Pantaleoni, and Larry Leonard in reserve. Fullbacks Charlie Ufford and Florin, with goalie Dick Craven, make up the final defense triangle
