
Radcliffe Council Claims Need for More Sex Talks

Sex, marriage, and emotional problems took over an hour of the Radcliffe Student Council's time at yesterday's meeting.

Council will ask the Annex deans for more adequate extra-curricular lectures on these subjects. In addition, last year's four-lecture series on Courtship, Marriage, and adolescent psychology will be repeated in March, with Dr. Thelma Alper of Clark University and Dr. Dana L. Farnsworth of M.I.T. as speakers.

Soc Rel Course Proposed

The entire issue was started by a request from Talcott Parsons, professor of Sociology, who asked whether Radcliffe girls would want a proposed Social Relations course on emotional problems. Council decided that such a course would not meet the growing need and curiosity.

Literature in the Annex library on sex and marriage will also increase by $35 this year, and will be moved to closed reserved shelves rather than be available only on special request.


Annex Confy Guide

Council tabled a discussion on publishing its own confidential guide to freshman courses, and will bring the question to this year's freshman at a meeting tomorrow. Final business of the day included transferring the distribution problems of the 1950 Yearbook to the class representatives and deciding to award the first $50 dividend of the Grant-in-Aid fund in one lump sum.

Unescorted male students were not allowed to attend the Hygiene classes last year, and will probably be equally unwelcome at these lectures.
