
Labor Union Men Begin Study Here

Nine labor union leaders have begun studies here as Trade Union Fellows.

This group brings to more than 100 the number of trade union officials who have takes part in the program since it was established in 1942. The course has been given once a year since than, but this year will probably be offered again in the spring.

The thirteen week program is the only course in the country offering intense study for leadership in unions. The Labor Fellows who this year represent seven different organizations, are studying such subjects as pension programs, accounting and labor laws

They also take a course in problems of labor relations, side by side with business executives at the Advanced Management Program. Toward the end of the course both will argue a mock arbitration hearing before a mediator.

The new Fellows are Ernest L. DeVore of Monongahela, Pa., William E. England of Atlanta, Ga., James M. Flynn of Toledo, O., William A. Kittel of Woronoco, Carl W. Lindner of Silver Spring, Md., Roger J. Maher of Pittsburgh, Nathan Norman of Allston, Joseph P. O'Donnell of Somerville, and Gordon A. Padgett of Savannab, Ga.
