
'54 Sports Committee Named

Appointments of six freshmen to the Yard Intramural Athletic Committee were announced yesterday by Robert B. Ross 1GB, assistant secretary to the Union.

Following the usual system, the committee will divide the Yard into two or three leagues of approximately eight teams apiece. It will then award points for placing in the various contests, and add up the total to determine the year's winner.

The committee will appoint captains for each dormitory entry to act as representatives. The program will include touch football, basketball, volleyball, baseball, swimming, and squash.

In cooperation with Dolph Samborski, director of intramural athletics, the committee will arrange schedules for the teams and for their use of University athletic facilities.

Six-man touch football practice begins Thursday afternoon with the official schedule beginning next week and running through November 21.


After the regular schedule has been completed there will be a playoff game between league leaders for the Yard championship.
