The Young Republican Club yesterday took issue with the Student Council and spoke out against compulsory mid-term grades.
In a special release, the H.Y.R.C. planning committee said it "regrets the action" that the council took Monday night. The council suggested at that time that the faculty return to the wartime measure of hour-exam marks to meet any possible emergency.
Under this proposal, students who were drafted in the middle of a term would still receive credit for the work they had done.
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In reply, the H.Y.R.C. said that "the Council has approved a plan which would cause more work for the student, the faculty, and the administration, and which would tend to increase the already over-inflated cost of education at Harvard.
"The proposal appears meaningless in the light of the Selective Service regulation which requires a postponement of induction until the end of the academic term. The Council seems to have yielded to the hysteria of a few individuals in considering compulsory mid-term grades at this time.
"For these reasons the Planning Committee of the H.Y.R.C. requests that the Council reconsider its action before the next meeting of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences."
The statement was signed by H.Y.R.C. President Gordon L. Poole 2L after a meeting with the Planning Committee.
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