
Dudley Battles Kirkland as Dunster Meets Lowell Today

In a House football double-header today at Soldiers Field, a heavy Dudley squad will square off against light Kirkland, while Lowell will battle Dunster.

The Commuters will throw their Notre Dame hex formation against the Deacons' light squad--the lightest team in House football, with a line averaging 160 pounds. Coach Carl Bottenfield said that his 20 Deacons are "very small." To overcome this, he will employ a special formation used by his coach at Tulsa High School: it is similar to the double wing except that the halfback stands a yard behind the line and a yard outside of the end.

Mainstays of the Kirkland backfield should be ex-jayvee players "Slug" Dolan and "Chick" Nelson, both quarterbacks. The Commuters, who let loose a powerful passing attack in their scrimmage against Leverett Monday, show a heavy line and backfield. Their tackle, Frank Leahy, weighs 270.

Dudley Veterans

Most of Dudley's players have been playing House football ball for several years, so that experience is in their favor today. One loss the Commuters suffered this year, however, was Arthur Sockal, who broke a finger during practice. Sockal played varsity football in 1944.


In today's other game, the Funsters will meet the strong Bellboys. Dunster will run from the T. Since the Funsters have a dead-eyed passer in halfback Hugh Raphael, they are expected to use many screen passes. A tough line, with veterans like left guard Dave Jefferson and right guard Don Drummond, will guard Raphael.

Both games start at 3:15 p.m.
