Vermont--Today fair, below freezing temperatures and light variable winds. Tomorrow snow, likely changing to rain and warmer.
Hogback Mountain--None to 2 total, 1 granular surface. Partly cloudy. No skiing.
Dutch Hill--None to 2 total, 2 frozen granular. Partly cloudy. No skiing.
Manchester (Snow Valley)--No snow.
Stowe--3/10 total, less than 1 frozen granular. Partly cloudy. Poor skiing all trails.
Mad River--None to 15 total, less than 1 frozen granular. Partly cloudy. No skiing upper trails, fair lower.
Mount Ascutney--3/16 total, less than 1 frozen granular. Partly cloudy. No skiing on trails, toll road fair.
Middlebury--No skiing.
Upper New Hampshire--Today fair, below freezing temperatures and gentle northwest winds. Outlook tomorrow snow and a little warmer.
Cannon Mountain--None to 6, less than 1 frozen granular. Partly cloudy. No skiing.
Jackson (Black Mountain)--None to 10 total, less than 1 frozen granular. Cloudy. Poor skiing upper trails, good lower.
Jackson (Thorn Mountain)--None to 10 total, less than 1 corn. Partly cloudy. No skiing upper trails, fair lower. Bare spots.
North Conway--None to 10, less than 1 granular. Partly cloudy. No skiing upper trails, fair lower. Bare spots.
Mt. Moosilaukee--7/20 total, less than 1 breakable. Partly cloudy. Poor to fair all trails.
Lower New Hampshire--Today fair with temperatures a little under freezing and light northwest winds. Outlook tomorrow snow likely changing to rain.
Mount Sunapee--None to 2 total, less than 1 granular surface. Cloudy. No skiing.
Maine--Today fair with below freezing temperatures and gentle northwest winds. Outlook tomorrow snow likely changing to some rain over the extreme south portion.
Bridgton--3/10 total, less than 1 granular surface. Partly cloudy. Poor to fair all trails.
Berkshires--Today fair. Temperatures a little below freezing. Outlook tomorrow some snow changing to rain and warmer.
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The WeatherThe weather will be fair this morning, with blue skies until the noon hour. Partly cloudy in the afternoon.
The WeatherSnow will end early Thursday after accumulating three to six inches Wednesday night. Highest temperatures to be in upper 30's.
SPECIAL SKI PAGEVERMONT: Stowe: Eleven to 20, four packed powder. Good upper, fair lower. Brattleboro: Less than two to six. No frozen
Fair Snow Waits Expectant SkiersForecast for all points--Fair and continued very cold today. UPPER NEW HAMPSHIRE Franconia Cannon--16-20, two powder. Cloudy. Fair to poor
Ski ReportsMaine Friday fair, afternoon temperatures little above freezing except higher elevations and gentle west winds. Bridgton--7-25 with 2 granular surface,