
Skiing Conditions

Vermont--Today fair, below freezing temperatures and light variable winds. Tomorrow snow, likely changing to rain and warmer.

Hogback Mountain--None to 2 total, 1 granular surface. Partly cloudy. No skiing.

Dutch Hill--None to 2 total, 2 frozen granular. Partly cloudy. No skiing.

Manchester (Snow Valley)--No snow.

Stowe--3/10 total, less than 1 frozen granular. Partly cloudy. Poor skiing all trails.


Mad River--None to 15 total, less than 1 frozen granular. Partly cloudy. No skiing upper trails, fair lower.

Mount Ascutney--3/16 total, less than 1 frozen granular. Partly cloudy. No skiing on trails, toll road fair.

Middlebury--No skiing.

Upper New Hampshire--Today fair, below freezing temperatures and gentle northwest winds. Outlook tomorrow snow and a little warmer.

Cannon Mountain--None to 6, less than 1 frozen granular. Partly cloudy. No skiing.

Jackson (Black Mountain)--None to 10 total, less than 1 frozen granular. Cloudy. Poor skiing upper trails, good lower.

Jackson (Thorn Mountain)--None to 10 total, less than 1 corn. Partly cloudy. No skiing upper trails, fair lower. Bare spots.

North Conway--None to 10, less than 1 granular. Partly cloudy. No skiing upper trails, fair lower. Bare spots.

Mt. Moosilaukee--7/20 total, less than 1 breakable. Partly cloudy. Poor to fair all trails.

Lower New Hampshire--Today fair with temperatures a little under freezing and light northwest winds. Outlook tomorrow snow likely changing to rain.

Mount Sunapee--None to 2 total, less than 1 granular surface. Cloudy. No skiing.

Maine--Today fair with below freezing temperatures and gentle northwest winds. Outlook tomorrow snow likely changing to some rain over the extreme south portion.

Bridgton--3/10 total, less than 1 granular surface. Partly cloudy. Poor to fair all trails.

Berkshires--Today fair. Temperatures a little below freezing. Outlook tomorrow some snow changing to rain and warmer.

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