
Crimson Relay Squad Takes First Place at K. of C. Meet

A strong Crimson train won its one mile relay event at the Knights of Columbus Meet at the Boston Garden last Saturday, and in doing so turned in a time that was second only to NYU's meet record breaking 3:20.3.

Jaakko Mikkola's relay squad of Ronnie Berman, Ed Grutzner, Tom McGrath, and Harvey Thayer won in 3:26.7. In the Harvard race Brown finished second, Maine third, and Boston University fourth.

In another mile relay Yale's team of Brooks, Easton, Paradise, and Sultze placed third behind Fordham and Georgetown. The winning time in this event was 3:26.9.

The Crimson two mile relay team of Dave Cairns, Dave Gregory, Joe Rosen, and Art Ruby got caught in a jam at the start, and finished last. Brown, led by Joel, Jonathan, and Joshua Toby, won this race in 7:58.4.

Freshman Bob Mello tied for third in the pole vault with an effort of 12 ft., 6 in. Bob Richard of the Elinois A.A. took this event with a vault of 14 ft., 6 in. Three men, among them George Appeal of Yale, tied for second at 13 feet.


Yale turned in strong performances in almost all of the events. Stars for the Blue were George Wade who won the featured mile race in 4:13, Jim Fuchs who won the shot put with a heave of 55 and one-third feet, and Dick Stoltman who placed third in the 1000 yard run.

The Knights of Columbus meet was the first Crimson entry in official competition this season.
