
Wrestler Overwhelm Brown, 17-11

Rozol, Smith Sawyer, Captain Claflin Excel; Freshmen Lose, 16-11

The fans missed Howie Houston more for sentimental reasons than for his wrestling abilities last night as the varsity overpowered Brown, 17 to 11 on the Blockhouse mats. At the same time, the Brain freshmen handed the Yardlings their first defeat 16 to 11.

Houston glated to wrestle unlimited was released from Lawrence General Hospital yesterday after suffering multiple abrasions but no fractures in an automobile accident Tuesday.

In the varsity match, Brown was limited to decision victories in two middle weight bouts and a pin by heavyweight John Chernak. The score was 14-0 before Dave Michaels Beat Buddy king at 155.

Johnson Wrestles Chernak

Going into the final bout, Harvard led, 17-6 had the outcome of the match depended on the heavyweight fight, will David would probably have wrestled. Larry Johnson, in his first varsity appearance was adequate against the far note experienced Chernak.


The work of Joe Kozol and Dave Smith was especially heartening however. Kozol pinned a good man and showed himself to be a tremendously improved wrestler. Smith in decisioning Brown's captain, looked sharper and more aggressive at 136 than he did at 145 last month.

Also highly creditable were the performances of Al Sawyer and Bob Claffin. Sawyer came from behind to take a decision; Claffin was faster and more surrey himself at his lower weight. Charlic Keith came up against an excellent wrestler in Mark Rowe, at 165.

Bruin Cubs Win

Van Brewer's freshmen never caught up after a pin in the 121 pound class gave Brown a five point lead. Harvard had a chance to pull the match out in the final boat, the score being 13-11 after seven lights. Harvard's beat individual showing was made by Johnny Lee, a smooth wrestler who is always working and resembles a small tiger on the mat.

Varsity summaries:

121-pound class--Kozol (II) pinned Smart (B) with a half nelson and body press at 6:40; 128--Abboud (H) decisioned Hendricks (B), 12-1; 136--Smith (H) decisioned G. Michaels (B), 9-4; 145--Sawyer (H) decisioned Donaldson (B), 12-6; 155--D Michaels (B) decisioned King (H), 6-0; 165--Rowe (B) decisioned Kelth (H), 6-0; 17-- Claflin (H) decisioned Marshall (B), 7-2; unlimited--Chernak (B) pinned Johansen (H) with a crotch hold and body press at 3:50.

Freshman summaries:

121--Bass (B) pinned Tuleja (H) with a half nelson and body press at 5:10; 128--Lee (H) decisioned, Irons (B), 8-0; 136--MacLean (B) decisioned Iden (H), 7-5; 145--Adams (H) and Ferriter (B), drew, 1-1; 155--Bowser (H) decisioned Knowles (B), 6-0; 165--Eastham (B) decisioned Hubbard (H), 9-2; 175--Hathaway (H) decisioned Moulton (B), 10-9; unlimited--Hill (B) decisioned Davis (H), 7-1.
