
Beach, Wanning to Discuss Novel Over WHRB Tonight

WHRB will inaugurate a new weekly program entitled "Author, Book, and Critic" tonight when Joseph W. Beach, Visiting Lecturer on English, and Andrews Wanning, Assistant Professor of English, discuss F. Scott Fitzgerald's novel, "The Great Gatsby," for a half hour, beginning at 9 p.m.

David Hays, network director, says that WHRB will probably ask Professors MacLeish, Jones, Levin, Guerard, Poggioli, Collins, and Ellman of the English Department to appear as future guests on the program. The student body will be polled on what books it would like to hear them discuss.

The network also announced that its annual, round-the-clock, reading period musical "orgies" featuring hillbilly, popular, and classical selections would begin tomorrow at 8 p.m.
