Contributions to this year's Combined Charities and Student Council Drive totaled $22,080.99, the Council announced last night.
Though this figure was below the $23,400 collected last year, the per capita contribution was larger, owing to the drop in College enrollment. This year's figure was $4.42 per undergraduate, as compared with last year's $4.25. No specific goal for total funds was set this year.
The Council received $3,736.35 under the arrangement whereby 20 percent of all donations automatically went to that body unless the donor specifically requested that the entire sum go to charity. Twelve percent of the contributors specified that none of their money go to the Council.
Negro Students Received Most
The Negro Scholarship Service and Fund for Negro Students received the largest share of the proceeds, $1,914.28. Phillips Brooks House, the Salzburg Seminar, the World Student Service Fund, and the American Cancer Society each received over $1,000.
A total of $5,518.75 went into "unallocated contributions," which can be used for any of the charity groups or the Council at the Council's direction.
Eliot House led all the rest, contributing $2,694.29 to the drive; Eliot was approximately $500 ahead of second-place Lowell. Winthrop, Kirkland, Dunster, Leverett, and Adams followed in that order. The Yard brought $6,477.71, and Apley, Claverly, and Dudley scraped together $1,014.15.
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