Stan Priddy's freshman hockey squad, smarting under an unexpected pre-vacation defeat to Melrose High, meets its first collegiate opposition today when it faces Brown '53 at 4 p.m. in the Boston Arena.
The defeat notwithstanding, Priddy plans to stick with the Melrose lineup, with one exception--Bill Kierstead will replace Hugh Graham at right defense.
"The play of the boys hasn't yet come quite up to my expectations," the coach said yesterday, "but I look for a great improvement before long." Priddy mentioned the play making of center Walt Greeley and the speed of Greeley's first line mates, Amory Hubbard and Bitsy Grant.
Priddy also expects more from second-linemen John Dunphy and Joe Harvey.
The Harvard lineup: Hubbard, lw; Grant, rw; O'Brien, ld; Kierstead, rd, Corning, g, Greeley, c.
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