Radcliffe's Choral Society will begin a new year without the direction of G. Wallace Woodworth '24, now on a one semester sabbatical from the University. William Russell, Woodworth's assistant for the past two years, has taken over as acting conductor of both Choral and the Harvard Glee Club.
Approximately 130 freshmen tried out during orientation for the Choral Society, which remains the largest undergraduate organization at the Annex other than student government and the National Student Association.
Mildred Blacklock '50, president of the group, expects more than 200 members at the first meeting. No Annex student is refused admission to Choral.
Handel's Messiah will be the first joint offering by Choral and the Harvard Glee Club, December 7 and 8 in Sanders Theatre. The Pierian Sodality will supply the music.
The Pierian Sodality will open its 142nd season with the traditional public sightreading rehearsal at 7:30 p.m. tonight in Sanders Theatre.
Pierian's regular rehearsals will begin next Tuesday at 7:15 p.m. in Sanders Theatre and will be held on Tuesday and Thursday throughout the term. Tryouts for new members will be held next Monday and Tuesday.
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