Jay E. Jansen '50, president of the Harvard Young Republican Club today announced the publication of a new research bulletin. The True Republican, which went on sale at all House news-stands.
Prepared under the direction of Fred True 2L, it is the first of a series which will continue in the fall on the Housing, Education and Medical bills and other controversial legislation.
The current issue contains a chart showing in graphic form the comparative points covered by the Taft-Hartley, Thomas, and Wood bills showing at a glance just where each bill varies. The recommendations for changes reported by the Joint Congressional Committee are listed.
Next the major points in dispute are discussed--the Injunction, the Closed Shop, the Non-Communist Affidavit, Jurisdictional Disputes, Secondary Boycotts etc. The history of the injunction is given, the reasons for the unions' opposition to it, the possible alternatives such as compulsory arbitration or plant seizure in the case of national emergencies are discussed.
surveys have shown, explained Jansen, that few people know the exact facts involved in current legislation, even in bills such as the Taft-Hartley Law which has been in the headlines for two years. "We aim to bring together in small compass and in simple language all the arguments pro and con, together with other possible solutions and the historical background of the major bills so that they may be kept for ready reference as they are discussed in Congress."
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