Conferment of seven academic awards for 1948-49 was announced yesterday by the faculty of Arts and Sciences.
Daniel Burrill Ray '49 of Brooklyn, New York and Winthrop House received, the Wister Prize awarded to the Senior who recorded the highest record in the Department of Mathematics during his undergraduate years. Ray's prize will be a grant of approximately $65.
The Benjamin Cardosa prize, consisting of a $500 grant, was awarded to Gardnerd Edmond Lindsey, 3G, of Rutherford, New Jersey, for an essay entitled, "An Experimental Study of Displacement of Aggression with Particular Reference to Minority Group Prejudice."
Richard David Rohr, '50, of Detroit, and Adams House received a $50 prize for showing the greatest promise among undergraduates who concentrate in History and Literature. Another History and Literature prize of $50 was won by Carl Rudolph Triebs '51 of Milwaukee and Little Hall for making the most notable progress during the past year among Sophomore concentrators in the department.
Approximately $180 will go to Martin Boykan '51 of New York City and Dudley Hall who won the George Arthur Knight Prize for his "Nocturne for String Trio."
An award of about $30 was granted to Paul Emile Des Marais '49 of Chicago and Leverett House by the Bobemain Club of New York for his composition, "Fantasy for Two Plance."
John Stanhope Coolidge '49 received $250 for the best honors thesis submitted to the English Department. Two other English concentrators, E. Anita Maxwell, Radcliffe '49 of E Paso, Texas, and Bertram Hall and Lewis James Owen '49 of Cleveland Heights, Ohio and Eliot House, received honorable mention for the theses they submitted.
Four prizes ordinarily awarded annually, were not conferred this year.
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