
Weatherby Dies, Was 50 Years on Herbarium Staff

Charles H. Weatherby '97, Research Associate at the Gray Herbarium, died at his Cambridge home yesterday. Funeral services will be held in Memorial Church at 10 a.m. Friday morning.

Associated with the Herbarium for over 50 years, Weatherby was an authority on systematic botany. He published more than 125 articles on the subject, many on tropical groups of ferns, a subject that he studied in this country and in Europe.

Held Important Posts

Among important positions which he held were an appointment to the International Commission on Nomenclature of Plants, Vice-President of the Section of Nomenclature of the International Botanical Congress--to be held in Stock-holm in 1950--and a membership in the British Society for the Bibliography of Natural History. He was also a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.

M.A. In 1898


Weatherby was graduated from the University with highest honors, and received his M.A. here in 1898. He became voluntary assistant at the Herbarium in 1908, assistant Curator in 1937, then Senior Curator in 1937, and Research Associate in 1940.
