In a motion picture of almost classic proportions Groucho Marx once tried to get his brother Chico to sign a contract which contained a sanity clause. "Ha, you canta fools me," Chico argued, "there is no Sanity Clause."
Well you can't fool the CRIMSON either. We are going to dispel a myth which is more president than the myth of Santa Claus, a myth perhaps nourished and protected by some misguided CRIMSON editors of some dismal yesteryear. But as we said you can't fool us, there is no such thing as "the Radcliffe Girl."
This totally fictitious character has for years been providing the lazy college pundit with material that is completely untrue. The favorite phrases of these writers have always been "dirty legged," "stringy haired," and "intellectual."
Not only is this character non existent, but there is no other kind of girl who is "typically Radcliffe." Our testimony in behalf of this point of view are the photographs on this page. They prove that the Radcliffe community is a heterogenous one and that for every set of "dirty legs" there are a pair of clean ones and probably another set that are only tattle tale grey.
Once this myth has been dispensed with it becomes apparent that Radcliffe College is due for a pat on the back in addition to birthday fecilitations on its 70th anniversary. It graduate adults and not products or types. It attempts to educate not to manufacture.
The last words of advice given to us by one of the young ladies pictured was "Don't get too Ishy in this article." In order to follow the letter of this advice the CRIMSON will end this article now with an undramatic "Happy birthday" to Radcliffe on its 70th Anniversary.
The photographs on this page were gathered, for the most part in a single day at Radcliffe. Since the purpose of the assignment was to portray the Radcliffe community as it really is, no one was allowed to comb her hair, change her clothes, or put on more make up. Thus, although it is hard to believe, Radcliffe girls are actually more attractive than they are pictured here.
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