
The NEA Report

The Mail

To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

You are to be congratulated on your recent coverage of the problems of academic freedom. The two editorials on the Report of the Educational Policies Commission come as a fitting climax to your job of documenting the increasing hysterls on this subject.

It is a difficult time we live in the eleven Communists on trial in New York are continually adding fuel to the fire by showing how very far from an under-standing of real democracy they are, while at the same time well-intentioned authorities like President Conant decry the witch hunt only to admit its fundamental promises. The Commission seems to say. 'Let us not have a big witch hunt--let us have a moderate little which hunt."

Surely the only thing that can possibly transform the Communist into a lunatic fringe into a dangerous minority is further suppression, which lends a certain dignity to a cause otherwise totally lacking it. As Locke wrote, "There is one thing only which gathers people into seditious commotions and that is oppression." More power to the CRIMSON for recalling this old truth once more. Richard W. Lyman 90
