
HAA Lists Spring Letter Winners

The Athletic Association yesterday announced the following spring letter and numeral awards.

These awards are the last to be made under the old system, which, except under unusual circumstances, requires participation in the Yale game to win a letter.

The new basis for letter giving is based on participation in a certain percentage of scheduled games, or on a minimum number of minutes spent in intercollegiate competition, with the Yale game being given extra weight.

The award winners follow:

Freshman Baseball


Major Baseball Numerals-1952

Akillian, Bernard, Cabot, Charles Codman, Jr., Carduff, Wendell Lee, Connolly, John Michael, Cook, Theodore Levl, Jr., Donelan, John Joseph, Jr. (Captain), Goodman, William 3d, Groton, Calvert Cottrell, Harris, Nathantel Lothrop, Jr., Bickey, William Moran, Howland, Neil, Morrison, Gordon Mackey, Jr., Robinson, Ralph Lindsay Flanders, Simonds, Jonsthan Otis, Stern, Roger Waldstein, Switzer, Alan Alexander, Jr., Thompson, Robert Burlis, Walsh, Charles Sario, Jr., Webb, John Crawford, Jr., Wise, Timothy John Willard. Young, Henry Arthur, Chapin, Aldus Riggins (Manager).

Varsity 150-Pound Crew

Minor Crew H

Allen, Samuel Marston '51, Barrett, Theodore Boutelle '51, Bordman, John '51, Clark, David Crawford '49, (Captain), Grosvenor, Richard '51, Menslage, Robert Pearce '51. Osbors, Charles William Shores '51, Potter, Williams Suittes, Smith, John Haleay, Jr. '50, Perry, Heary Bradlee '50 (Manager).

Varsity 150-Pound Crew

Major Crew H

Clark, David Crawford '42 (Captain).

Junior Varsity 150-Pound Crew

Minor Crew H
