Miss Pauline M. Logan of Bejment was elected treasurer of the Radcliffe College Alumnae Association at the annual meeting last Saturday.
Miss Logan, secretary to the chairman of the board and office manager of the Kendall Co., will hold this office for three years.
Other officers elected for a similar term were three directors: Miss Fanny H. Phillips of So. Hanover, Miss Elizabeth B. Nichols of Boston, and Mrs. James H. Townsend of Belmont.
Miss Phillips was the associate head and teacher at the Brearley School in New York City until her retirement last year. Miss Nichols is now a teacher of English at Girls' Latin High School of Boston.
The new nominating committee members, also elected for three years, are Mrs. Munroe Day of Cambridge and Miss Martha Hanf, Dean of Girls, Belmont High School.
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