
Band Wins on Board, to Play At Graduation

College to Pay Board Charges For 3-Day Rehearsal; Last-Week's Disagreement Solved

The Committee on Commencement Expenses has agreed to pay board for the Band for a three-day rehearsal period before graduation exercises begin, and as a result of the grant the Band will play at all Commencement engagements, Band Manager Paul B. Finney '50 disclosed yesterday.

Agreement on payment of the three-day bill was reached by Finney and Reginald T. Fitz '08, head of the Committee on Commencement Expenses, after the Band had last week refused to appear at any graduation events if the University would not pay all its expenses.

Associate Dean Robert B. Watson '37 told the Band at a special conference last Thursday that the University would provide rooms until the end of Commencement, would pay board expenses from Sunday, June 19, through Thursday, June 23, but would be unable to pay for Band members' meals on the three-day rehearsal period the Band scheduled before the exercises begin.

Rejected First Agreement

After hearing Watson and Finney present both sides of the case, the Band in a near-unanimous vote rejected the University's terms.


Watson then said that if the Band refused to play, the University would hire a professional band. Finney explained that the Band "wants very much to play but won't pay to play."

Band treasurer Paul A. Lucey '51 estimated that the personal expense to the 25 to 30 men from outside the local area who were planning to perform would have totalled $200 if their rehearsal period meals were not paid for by the University.
