
Princeton's 150-Pound Crew Carries Off Goldthwait Cup

Princeton's powerful 150-lb crew was good enough Saturday to beat Harvard by over a length on Lake Carnegie and thereby lift the Goldthwait Cup out of the Crimson trophy case for the first time since 1937. Yale was the third entrant in the twenty-fourth annual Big Three Championship race.

The Nassau victory, a source of great delight to a big house-part weekend gathering, marked the first time this season that any Crimson shell has lost a race.

Harvard, rowing into a stiff headwind that held down all the times, was never ahead despite a strong sprint bid during the last half-mile of the mile and five-sixteenths Henley distance. The Crimson's time was 7:42.4, almost five seconds slower than Princeton's 7:37.8.

Tigers Start Fast

Princeton, which last year won the Royal Henley Regatta in England, jumped to a quick lead at the start and held an open-water lead over Harvard going past the flags marking the last quarter-mile.


Rowing at a 36 stroke, the Crimson closed the gap to less than a length, but a late counter-sprint by Princeton regained the margin. At the finish Yale was four lengths back.

Freshmen, Jayvees Win

In the secondary events, however, Harvard's crews remained undefeated. The freshman 150's followed up their two wins over MIT with a three-length win over the Elis with Princeton trailing behind in third by five lengths. The Crimson junior varsity edged out Princeton by a length and Yale by six more.

The varsity summaries:

Princeton, first, 7:37.8

Harvard, second, 7:42.4

Yale, third, 7:57.2
