
Freshmen Meet Dartmouth In Lacrosse, Track Today

While their fellow freshmen made merry at the first dance of the Jubilee last night, the '52 track squad was on its way to Dartmouth and its toughest meet thus far this season.

Missing from the freshman bus were two key members of the team, Ed Grutzner and Jack Kiggen. Grutzner has flu, and Kiggen is suffering from a painful twisted knee sustained in spring soccer practice. While the team, strong in runners, may be able to fill in for quarter miler Grutzner, discus thrower Kiggen's untimely absence today may prove disastrous.

The Indian team is liberally scattered with stars in many events, stars whose times and distances would indicate that they could take the Crimson. The big question seems to be, how much depth does the Green have to back up its stars?

Freshman coaches Jaakko Mikkola and Carl Olsen are counting on both stars and depth to come through in the running events today. Sprinter Dick Weiskopf, Crimson high scorer so far this season, will be competing against a man capable of running the 100 in 10.2 and the 220 in 22.0.

Runners in the middle distances and the mile, the freshmen's strongest events, will find plenty of competition with two Dartmouth boys, one who runs a 1:58 half, and another who runs a 4:35 mile.


The Green is reported relatively weak in the hammer and discus. If this is true, Dan Tucker, Dick Rubin, and Fred Raverby should win handily.
