
Eastern Young Republicans Conference Elects Bingham

Twelve representatives from the Harvard branch of the Young Republican Club returned yesterday from an Eastern College Conference which discussed plans for organizing, starting, and coordinating college activities of the organization.

The parley, which was attended by representatives of 36 colleges from Maine to Delaware, unanimously elected Arthur W. Bingham '51 permanent New England Regional Director.

The meeting was addressed by Senator Raymond Baldwin (Conn.) Senator Arthur Schoeppel (Kan.), Rep. Hugh D. Scott (Penn.), chairman of the Republican National Committee and Ralph E. Becker, member of the Republican National Committee and National Director of the Young Republican Clubs.

The more than two hundred delegates to the conference were divided into policy-making panels.

Representing the HYRC at the conference were Jay Jansen '50, president of the Club and chairman of the delegation; Arthur W. Bingham '51, vice-president; William Gribble '50, secretary; Sanford Langa '51, operations director; A. John Klingel, Jr. '52; publicity director; Fred L. True 2L of the planning board; Charles L. McWhorter 3L, John Easton '47, Earl Kulp '52, James O'Reilly '50, John Luce '52, and Douglas McCallum '51.
