
Object to Lecture Interruption

The Mail

To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

We have just witnessed one of the crudest attempts at mockery and derision ever displayed in a lecture room at Harvard.

The incident to which we refer occured during the last meeting of Professor Romans' course in Social Relations 1b. While the lecturer was in the process of summarizing the important points of the year's work, a bearish character dashed onto the New Lecture Hall platform, interrupting with a shout. "Professor Romans has said enough!" In the pretense of presenting a gift (in the form of a neatly ribboned box, which later proved empty) this individual seized control of the lectern and proceeded to read four pages of unhumerous and disgusting parody. His arrogance survived even the dismay of Professor Romans, the boos and the shouts of contempt and disapproval of some four hundred angered students.

Individualism is justify esteemed here at Harvard. But when this individualism infringes upon the rights of an-other person. We feel that it ceases to be a Visine. Such rude behavior as we observed is totally unbefitting anyone who claims academic and social intelligence. We contend that Professor Romans has not "said enough"; that his remarks and those of other faculty members like him should continue to be heard uninterrupted.

We sincerely hope that this unknown intruder will in some way redress his discourteous act. Ray B. Robison '48   Robert A. Salerno '60
