
What'd You Get?

As the June Solstice approaches, it is once more time to register the semi-annual plea for justice in the matter of exam bluebooks.

University policy is somewhat nebulous regarding the actual return of bluebooks to students; in general this is left to the discretion of the instructors. Many instructors are all too glad to part with corrected exams; others will at least allow students to examine their bluebooks. Some contribute stacks of old exams to waste-paper drives. Obviously a uniform policy is needed, not only permitting a student to see his paper, but to keep it if he chooses.

But that isn't all. At present, if the student manages to pry his bluebook from a Department, he finds only his grade on the cover and a lot of cryptic figures in the margins. Unless he can persuade the instructor to go over the examination with him, he still has no way of knowing what was good and what was poor in his paper. Part of self-education is to profit by one's own mistakes. Seniors in particular, preparing for General Examinations, can benefit enormously by reviewing old bluebooks. In other words, the same technique used by conscientious section men who pencil marginal comments in hour exams, should be extended to finals.

Corrected bluebooks should be made available to students without exception. In addition, mistakes should be noted and commented upon. If this is done, final examinations can become educational instruments instead of Iron Maidens.
