The title-holding Lowell baseball team lost to Yale's Branford College. 5 to 4, in New Haven Saturday, while the champion Eliot crew and golf team and the Leverett tennis team defeated their Eli counterparts.
Lowell rapped out 16 hits to Branford's eight in the ten-inning contest, but committed eight errors. John Goldsmith led the unsuccessful Bellboy batting splurge, hitting five out of six.
Eliot's crew grabbed an early one length lead from Jonathan Edwards College and finished the same distance ahead without ever using its sprint.
Also on home territory the Leverett tennis team defeated Herkley College, 4 to 3, Saturday.
Meanwhile, Eliot's golf squad heat Davenport College, 7 to 2 at New Haven.
The two-day House track meet starts at 3 p.m. this afternoon. The field events are today, and the running events tomorrow.
The track meet will end the Straus Trophy race, which Kirkland is almost sure of winning. Lowell, the only other possible winner, must finish six places ahead of Kirkland in track to take the trophy.
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